Hello. I’m Bryan Weight, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was raised in this faith since both my parents were active members of this Church. During my teenage years I wanted to find out if God was real. I also wanted to know if Jesus Christ was the Son of God and if the Church of my parents was as special as they claimed or just another denomination.

Volume IIl


Jesus The Messiah, volume III: His Final Days and Second Coming looks deep into eternity using simple explanations based entirely on scripture.

Volume III continues to unveil evidence that the ancient prophets were Christians under a different label. They caught glimpses if not panoramic views of the Messiah’s crucifixion. This concluding volume sheds light on:

• Why was it necessary for Jesus to suffer, bleed and die?
• What is the relationship between grace, mercy, justice and works?
• How did the Messiah spend His final days?
• What final lessons did Jesus impart during the Last Supper?
• Why did the ruling class want Jesus Christ crucified?
• How did the Jews manipulate Pilate into crucifying Jesus?
• What level of detail did the prophets foresee in the crucifixion?
• Was the Messiah crucified on Good Friday or a different day?
• What falsehoods were told that validate Christ was resurrected?
• How many post-mortal appearances did Jesus Christ make?
• What is the relationship between Apostasy and the Divine Pattern?
• Is the Holy Bible infallible?
• What does the Bible say about misplaced scripture?
• Do Jewish Bibles point to Jesus as the Christ?
• What does the Holy Qur’an say about Jesus as the Messiah?
• Does God change or is He the same yesterday, today and forever?
• Has there been a “restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of
all his holy prophets since the world began” (Acts 3:21)? If so, how did it happen and
when did it occur?
• What are the signs that precede the Lord’s Second Coming?
• Who will live to see the Messiah’s return and millennial reign?
• What will it be like to live during the Millennium?

Volume III chapter titles include:

1. Introduction
2. His Final Days
3. Barbed Questions
4. The Last Evening
5. Arrest and Trial
6. The Passover Lamb
7. Upon the Cross
8. Beyond the Cross
9. The Sign of Jonah
10. He is Risen
11. Apostasy and the Divine Pattern
12. Psalm Twenty-Two
13. Jesus of Islam
14. The Restitution of all Things
15. All Things Restored
16. A Promised Return
17. Signs of the Times
18. The Millenium

Volume III of Jesus The Messiah explains why the primitive Church of Jesus Christ was obliterated and how His true Church was restored in modern times. This final volume describes events that precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and how to prepare for “the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Mal. 4:5)..

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